Healthcare Industry
Changes are coming fast and furious in today’s healthcare market and have been since the HITeCH act put EHR on the map. The changes are big, they are complicated, they are confusing, and they can be overwhelming. At iMed, we’ve built deep expertise in the areas of compliance (i.e. MU, PQRS, and now MIPS) and alternative (value-based) payment models. We understand how these new programs and requirements affect your reimbursement and more importantly, we have solutions and professional services designed specifically to help you navigate these changing times and come out on top.
If you are looking for a health IT vendor that will provide you with a complete clinical solution and professional services to help you navigate the changes in healthcare delivery, we should talk.
Alternative Payment Programs
Alternative Payment Models may seem like just the next trick by payers to confuse you, put more administrative burden on you and your staff, and prevent you from making the money you deserve. At iMed we understand APMs and how they may or may not fit an individual practice. We will help you evaluate various models and choose the ones that make sense for your business.
Read about a few of the programs that iMed is currently supporting.
iMed's Perspective
We do not necessarily see things the way others do. We are definitely thinkers and we make sure to contemplate where the Healthcare Industry is heading in the future. It's not always what's immediately in-front of you, that is the best path.  We will share our thoughts and opinions so you can consider alternative strategies for your practice.